UPDATE 2025:
After almost 10 years of owning Dell hardware, I have to say I'm ready to move on. Up to now, I felt that their support was among the best and while it's probably not as great as it was in the late 20 teens, it's probably still as good as most other major manufacturers.
My biggest problem is their power management is horrible - especially in this model. It's definitely gotten worse and not better over the last 10 years. Maybe some would say that my expectations that it would rival what Apple does with their MacBooks are unrealistic but I don't care. That's what I expect/want.
Yet, this generation feels no faster to boot than the XPS 15 9560 I bought in 2017; still has major issues coming out of sleep with a DOCK attached; and typically doesn't actually shut off when I close the lid so I have to leave it out of my bag for a while so it doesn't overheat.
Just this morning, I watched the Dell logo for at least 10 seconds before it moved on to Windows Hello. BIOS boot time, as reported in task manager, is routinely 8-10 seconds which is only slightly better than what my old XPS 15 reports. I was duped by the marketing materials when I purchased this thinking it would be substantially lower. Again, I had been familiar with the MacBook startup and expected new windows laptops to be competitive.
My 2018 XPS that I keep plugged in all the time and don't travel with is running fine so, in general, the hardware is good. Until they fix the power management, I'll be looking elsewhere for my next laptop. I'd get the MacBook but I don't have a iPhone and my experience with heterogeneous Apple/Microsoft complications hasn't been good.
Original Post:
Purchased this system in 2021 for a couple of reasons:
- While my old dell XPS 15 was working fine, it could not be upgraded to windows 11 due to no TPM 2.0.
- The new system promised a faster boot time. I was frustrated that when I opened the lid of my XPS 15, it would typically take more than 15 seconds to boot. Having had some experience with macbooks, I expected better.
- It was a new machine so it should be faster/better/etc
I chose to go big again and spent over $2000 on this new system hoping that it would retain it's performance longer.
After receiving the machine I did have some problems. I assumed much of this was due to the newness of Windows 11 and soldiered on making sure I upgraded everything as quickly as possible. There was some setting in the Dell pre-boot software to have it automatically update the system. I found a way to turn that off. After a few months, the software glitches calmed down and the system seemed fine.
However, I started to notice that when I closed the lid and put it in my backpack to go to work, when I arrived at work the system would be hot. Often the battery was low and sometimes, I would get warnings that the system was shutdown due to over temperature. I played with many settings trying to get the thing to actually turn itself off but never got that working properly.
It seems that the heat/fan subsystem on these devices are independent of the OS and run all the time. Months later after many, many hours of research and trials, I gave up and would never put the system in my bag until I confirmed the fans were no longer running.
Fast forward a couple of years and I started to notice that the track pad was becoming erratic. It was intermittent but there were times when I couldn't use the track pad as it would mistakenly select things or the movement was so bad I couldn't select what I wanted.
Of course, I spent hours researching and trying various things as I was convinced it was a software problem due to it's being intermittent. However, I kept running into posts saying they sent theirs in for repair which fixed the problem. I even bought a mouse for traveling so I could use that if the track pad started acting up. Sadly, just resting my palm on the track pad would cause all sorts of problems so, eventually, I contacted Dell Support to inquire about a replacement.
By now, the system was out of warranty. Who knows if the constant overheating it had earlier on caused failures. Certainly, I feel that Dell should have been more responsive to fixing this.
In the past, I have been impressed by Dell support and had every expectation that the resolution would be seamless. In fact, that's why I went with Dell again. Little did I know that Dell support has changed and is now a shadow of it's former glory.
Further frustration is that windows does not have a "time machine" like backup. The "backup" is mearly a file backup using OneDrive. But you don't get all the apps with their settings/history/etc. I found a popular all system backup called AOMEI, bought a yearly subscription and made a backup to my NAS.
I finally bit the bullet and bought the Dell service:
- Entering the support request the system picked the wrong computer and I didn't notice.
- Delivery of box had ZERO instructions on what to do. There was no way I could have detected that it wanted the wrong system.
- I had to call many times to find out status.
- Turn around on each of my calls was horrendous
- Finally got a quote but it had no details, used whatsapp to ask for details, submitted question on ticket for details. Never got any details.
- At one point, after I had approved the quote and entered my credit card, there were emails and status on the ticket saying the service was extensive and the technician would be reaching out to me. This was most confusing. Again, tried to clarify via Whatsapp but no luck.
- Got the notice that system is "fixed" and being returned. When you click the "Contact us" you are taken to the generic contact page. That page wont let you submit another question because there is an existing ticket open. However, none of the questions I submitted online appear in that ticket anymore. So, that's a complete dead-end.
- System returned and, unfortunately, the disk has been wiped. Fortunately, I had made a full system backup
- Restore was problematic. I chose to only restore the C partition thinking that everything else should be stock. Unfortunately, I bricked my machine. Can't boot, can't repair
- Created bootable AOMEI USB stick but this was useless. Compalined that my trial was over and wouldn't let me do ANYTHING - not even upgrade.
- By far, this is the worst experience with Dell Support I've ever had. I've used Dell for almost 2 decades and always would recommend them due to their service. That ends now and I will not be able to recommend Dell anymore.
- The "fix" that cost me is likely due to a product quality issue. I'm concerned that the system has an independent heat subsystem that runs outside the operating system. I complained many times to support about the "hot bag" issue where the computer was hot or battery had run out due to the fans running when in my backpack. There is every reason that this overheating did some damage to the system.
- I purchased the new system because a) my old system was not windows 11 compatible and b) the new system promised to be much quicker to boot. While it is slightly faster than my old one, it's still far too slow compared to a MAC.